Push subscription (merge repl) not working

  • I have 1 SQL 2000 std on Win2000 Server (Publisher / distributor) and a subscription on a Win2003 Ser. std (also SQL2000 std)

    When I set a new push subscription (using EM) It runs but I get a ststus "Deactivated", and I don't seem to be able to get it going. I am fairly new to this subject - any help?

    also when attempting to run a Pull sub from the Win 2003 mach. I get a status 'Never started" on the publisher ? guess the root for both problems is the same?

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  • was an initial snapshot of the publication generated (yes, even for merge replication)? 

  • Yes, it was geneated. I also attempted re-initializing.. no joy

  • Check what user owns the SQL Agent Job for the distribution agent.  I have had some issues with the job being owned by a domain login (the person who created the subscription) but when SQL Agent attempts to start the job, it has a problem contacting the domain controller to authenticate the user. 

    I usually change the owner of the various replication jobs to be "sa".


  • Thanks very much, I will

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