Bulk insertion using ADO

  • Hi,

    I am using ADO for interfacing with SQL server. Is there any way to insert records in bulk using ADO? I want to insert ~1000 records into the database.

    Are there any other mechanisms for bulk insertion?



  • Recently I had a similar issue. I had to upload around 1 lac record from a text file into the sql server database. I will let you know what I DID.

    I created a store procedure and accepted all the column values as parameters.

    From the frontend I concatenated around 800 (e.g.) values separated by a delimiter eg. ("|") and sent them to the store procedure. The store procedure then inserted these records at one go. The performance achieved was good. Do tell me u'r views.

    Relationships are like Banks.You Invest the Principal and then get the Interest.

    He who knows others is learned but the wise one is one who knows himself.

  • I have not understood your solution fully. Can you please clarify me about what you mean when you say -


    ...I created a store procedure and accepted all the column values as parameters.

    From the frontend I concatenated around 800 (e.g.) values separated by a delimiter eg. ("|") and sent them to the store procedure. The store procedure then inserted these records at one go...

    You say you created a SP with as many parameters as there are columns. Then you also say you concatenated the values of each column into a string and then passed it on to the server. I am a bit confused here. Can you please clarify??



  • Sorry for the confusion.

    Suppose my text files had this data




    and so on

    I would create a sp like this

    create proecure @c1 varchar(8000),@c2 varchar(8000),@c3 varchar(8000)

    To this store procedure I would pass data as

    1|2| for c1

    Deep|anil| for c2

    5000|5000| for c3

    The store procedure would then parse the string and create insert statements.

    I hope I am clear this time.

    Relationships are like Banks.You Invest the Principal and then get the Interest.

    He who knows others is learned but the wise one is one who knows himself.

  • A different way to do the same thing is to build it up as an XML doc, use OpenXML on the server.

    ADO doesn't support bulk load, though if you can live with the overhead obviously you can disconnect a recordset, add all your data, connect and call batchupdate, it will post them over.

    Other potential options are to create a delimited file, copy to the server, have a server side process grab it - DTS, Bulk Insert, whatever.



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