set column order

  • how can i add a column to a table at specified order using T-SQL?

    like a content table with 4 columns:






    now, i wolud like to add a column5 between

    column2 and column3. how?


  • You can add column at bottom and select them in the sequence as you like.

    If you really want to add column in sequence, recreate your table.

    Edited by - Allen_Cui on 05/28/2003 12:00:06 PM

  • Enterprise Manager's "Design Table" function has the ability to insert a column anywhere in the table rather than just at the end as an ALTER TABLE would do. BUT BEWARE, I don't suggest doing this for a large table, especially on a production database. Enterprise Manager hasn't got a magic way of acheiving this... under the covers it's creating a copy of the original table, re-creating the table with the revised design and then moving all the data back in. Do it on a large table and you can bring the server to its knees.

    - Mark

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