SQL SERVER running together WITH ORACLE

  • Do any of you have any experience with running both of these DB's together on one partition. I have a customer that is going to be implementing a 2gig oracle database on an 8way windows box that they estimate to grow about 25% a year. They are considering putting SQL 2000 on there as well and wanted to know if these 2 DBs running together will severely hinder each other or not? HELP!

    DBA/OLAP Developer -
    San Francisco, CA

  • My recommendation is to separate the two. I don't like running ANYTHING alongside SQL Server on a production server, except unavoidable things like MS Search for FT indexing. IMHO, the server has one job, and that is to dish up SQL Server data, making best use of SQL's built-in resource optimisation.

    If running both SQL Server and Oracle, you may get into driver conflicts. Also, if the box suffers, which one are you gonna blame?

    My suggestion is a separate Windows or Linux box for Oracle.

    I have worked with Oracle and SQL Server running together, and performance was quite ordinary. The standing joke was that they were busy with background processes trying to uninstall each other

    - Mark

  • Do you have specific driver conflict examples? We are working with a large windows system 8 CPU and client want to consolidate as many DB as possible.

    Really un-workable?



    My recommendation is to separate the two. I don't like running ANYTHING alongside SQL Server on a production server, except unavoidable things like MS Search for FT indexing. IMHO, the server has one job, and that is to dish up SQL Server data, making best use of SQL's built-in resource optimisation.

    If running both SQL Server and Oracle, you may get into driver conflicts. Also, if the box suffers, which one are you gonna blame?

    My suggestion is a separate Windows or Linux box for Oracle.

    I have worked with Oracle and SQL Server running together, and performance was quite ordinary. The standing joke was that they were busy with background processes trying to uninstall each other

    DBA/OLAP Developer -
    San Francisco, CA

  • Driver conflicts were related to ODBC. I can't remember the specifics but they eventually arose after messing around with Oracle retrieval from SQL Server and then Oracle insert/update from SQL Server.

    No, the configuration is not unworkable. In fact I run SQL Server (7.0 and a named SQL2000), Oracle, DB2 and MySQL on my test (play) server. It's just my personal opinion that it negates some of the self-tuning mechanisms of Oracle and (especially) SQL Server, and is false economy. Yes, people are doing it, and more often it seems nowadays, but it isn't a config that I'd come out and recommend.

    - Mark

  • can't you migrate into 1 of the 2 databases ? Oracle or SQL server, so only one database engine is needed ?

    Putting them together might at least giving you troubles when you need support from both Oracle of Microsoft. (the infamous ping-pong play between vendors, blaming the other one)

  • if you migrate from one to the other you're going to have to port all of the PL/SQL or T-SQL sprocs, views, jobs, etc., etc. and maybe application code as well

  • Cost may be the biggest reason not to place the two on an 8-way server. There are a lot of licensing options, but in general you will be paying for both engines. The published Enterprise Editions of both products on an 8-way server is roughly $480,000 US. http://www.microsoft.com/sql/evaluation/compare/pricecomparison.asp

    In addition to the cost of the software, hardware are not linear on large servers.

    Operations (backups, failover, recovery, etc.) become increasingly complicated as you have additional procedures that must be documented, followed, and monitored.

    Of course your customer can place both database enginges on one server, but is it really a good option?

  • Good point... I think I might just recommend client to put SQL on a 4 way box by itself....

    I still wanna to know the specific driver conflict issues.... and notes from Microsoft on tech-net if possible!!!


    if you migrate from one to the other you're going to have to port all of the PL/SQL or T-SQL sprocs, views, jobs, etc., etc. and maybe application code as well

    DBA/OLAP Developer -
    San Francisco, CA

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