remove publisher table

  • Someone can tell me how to removed a table from publisher without need to drop the whole publication?

    Thanks in Advance

  • You can't. But you can drop the subscription of any subscriber to only that table.

    But the table will still be part of the publication, so top drop it you need to drop and recreate the publication.

  • Thanks for your reply!

  • You don't need to drop the whole publication, just unsubscribe all subscribers and uncheck the table you don't want to publish. And subscribe again.

  • Right but you will still have to syncronize all the subscribers, so I don't see much difference in effort.

  • It could actually be a huge difference in effort if you have dynamic subscriptions set up.

    BTW: see sp_dropmergearticle in BOL

    Gary Johnson

    Microsoft Natural Language Group

    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • I'm in the same boat.

    I need to modify the length of a field in a replicated table. After dropping the subscription, the table's check box is visible, but won't allow "unchecking".

    I don't want to have to drop the publication and recreate it. Fortunately, it's not a complicated one. I guess if the publication does have to be dropped & recreated, it could be scripted out and then rebuilt using the script.

    Edited by - homebrew01 on 10/03/2003 09:36:30 AM

  • Here's what I just tried, and it seemed to work. There may be some "gotcha's" to this that I'm not aware of.

    1) I just scripted out the CREATE Publication and the DROP publication commands to text files.

    2) Ran just the portion of the DROP publication that had to do with TableA

    3) Modified FieldA from 6 char to 8 char on publication & subscription databases.

    4) Ran just the portion of the CREATE Publication dealing with TableA

    5) Ran the snapshot job

    6) Ran the pull subscription job

    7) Checked the table in the subscription database & it has the same data as the source table.

    Looks good to me ...... Am I missing something ?

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