How do I get the SQL Agent service on a cluster to

  • When the server fails over, the SQL Service restarts, but the agent does not. When I go the Service Properties in EM the option is grayed out. When I go to the Services MMC both MSSQL and the agent service show as manual. MSSQL is started, but the agent is not.

    Also, in cluster administrator the Agent is in the same group as the rest of the SQL stuff and lists as dependant on the SQL service, and the restart option button is selected.

    Finally the error logs show no errors. I can manually start the service with no problem. It seems to me that the failover is not even trying to failover the Agent Service.

    Any help on this topic would be appreciated.

  • If SQL Server Agent service is grayed out in EM, I'm guessing it might be a permissions issue. Did you set the service permissions as administrator on the domain?


  • this option is to be managed using cluster administrator - sqlserveragent resource - properties - advanced. Check its settings.


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  • quote:

    What exactly you did, before your SQL agent goes down?

    I paused the only node I have (I have not yet instelled the second node) on the cluster to install NAV.


    Did you initiate the fail over at the System files disk? Also what is the configuration you setup if the system files disk fails do you want your sql server services and the IP address to Failover or you want the server to show its down?

    Services should move to the second node (when it becomes abaliable).

    I have two groups:

    One has the Quorum disk, Cluster Name, VIPA, and DTC

    The Other has the Data Drive, SQL's VIPA, SQL's Netowrk Name, SQL Service, Agent, and Fulltext service.

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