MSDE what does Database Size of 2GB mean?

  • Hi,

    I understand that the MSDE for SQL 2000 has a limitation of 2GB for the database.

    I was wondering if I could great a database with a filegroup of 2 or more files?

    Does this 2GB limit mean all files in the filegroup together can not get larger then 2GB or does it mean each file in the filegroup can not get larger then 2GB (which would mean I can have a database with 4 or 6GB)?

    I have not found any information on the microsoft-sites.

    Please help.



  • You are limited to 2GB total.

    Nigel Moore

  • Does the Personal Edition of SQL Server 2000 have the same limitation?

  • As far as I am aware no but they both have have a concurrent workload governor that limits the performance of the database engine kind of like those governors in fast cars that stop you doing 180 mph on a public road even though the engine is more then capable.

    Nigel Moore

  • Thanks, for your help.

    It's a real petty. I guess Microsoft doesn't care for the people using replication. So, it seems I have to put my data in sperate databases and join them in my program.



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