Views vs Queries

  • What is/are the advantages of referencing a view for data instead of just writing the query and displaying the results?

    All of my code is currently displayed in HTML pages using Cold fusion.

  • Hello gleazenby,


    What is/are the advantages of referencing a view for data instead of just writing the query and displaying the results?

    All of my code is currently displayed in HTML pages using Cold fusion.

    first, there are security reasons. With views you have better access control on your data, because you only need to grant permission on the view, not on the underlying table(s).

    second, there might be performance advantages, for views is a query plan generated when the query is saved. For queries the query plan is generated at runtime

    For more information see BOL "views-SQL Server, queries and".



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Not to mention the fact that the view is reusable. The query has to be rewritten many times.

    Also - for use by third party products (Crystal Reports, etc.) the view can provide functionality the product cannot service through it's own interface. Crystal Reports has a huge problem with conditional joins.

    my $0.02


  • Basically, stored procedures and views are more maintainable, produce less network traffic (you don't have to send a giant SQL string across the wire). The compilation plans for both stored procedures AND ad-hoc SQL queries are stored in memory on the server, so compilation advantage is minimal, at least for the subsequent calls to the query plan. Main advantage is, like Frank said, permissions issues, and maintenance issues.

  • Hi,

    Rather then Views, you probabally should use Stored Procedures. ColdFusion can utilise these quite well.






  • views are mainly there for security reasons. I prefer to use views for frequently (to be) used joins, so join-predicates are predefined. Stored procedures on the other hand can provide more functionality and should be prefered for db-access.


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  • We use ColdFusion and a ColdFusion based content management system by PaperThin called CommonSpot.

    I encourage my developers to avoid direct access to tables and to use stored procedures for just about everything. We gained a huge performance boost by using this method.

    If I understand the process, to run a direct query on a ColdFusion based site.

    • The ColdFusion engine has to translate your query so that ODBC can understand it.
    • ODBC translates your query into something that it can understand.
    • SQL Server takes your query and works out how best to execute it.
    • Reverse the above for the recordset

    A stored procedure has already worked out how best to run your query and therefore SQL Server can return the records much faster.

    Direct selects may also open up your site for SQL Injection attacks.

  • Using views and procedures will decrease the administrative burden of upgrading/maintaining your code, since only the back end objects have to be changed. Compare that with having to change every ad hoc query hitting the server, and you will see the benefit.

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