adding a new column to a position defined

  • What is the T-SQL command to insert a column into a existing table but I want to define the exact position for this new column?


  • there is no direct way to do this, what you can do is select into a temp table, drop orig table and while select into orig table back from temp table add that column name in the desired position....


    Prakash Heda
    Lead DBA Team -
    Video sessions on Performance Tuning and SQL 2012 HA

  • You can always use alter to add to the end of the table. If there is an absolute reason to add in a specific position then I suggest a few things.

    1) Use EM, it will make the transition easiest.

    2) Make sure you have enough room for the size of the table times 2. The reason is for the column to be added EM actually creates a new table, adds the data, deletes the old and renames the new to the old name, putting back all constriants an permissions.

    3) Use a view instead if this is for an app to know the structure.

    4) Make sure you have the latest SP for your sever installed, there have been issues involving linked servers where metadata is incorrect, when checked it is found that numbers of the columns can be off in sequence. Does not usually happen in column adds but if you ever remove SQL may not correct it.

  • Using the design veiw of the table in the EM one can insert a column in between two columns by right clicking and selecting Insert column.

    I think during this process SQL server drops and recreates the table with the new column.As Anteras686 has mentioned make sure you have enough disk space.

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