DTS job did not export to CVS file

  • I scheduled my dts job to run daily @ 4 am.  This dts executes a stored proc to populate and export to a cvs file type.  This job has been running fine until couple days ago when I opend the cvs and there are only headers but no data being populated.  I looked at windows event and sql log and there's no error. The job did not fail.  Can someone please explain and advise me what I should do or look for.  Thanks for all the help in advance.

  • Hi

    This might sound like a kinda stupid question but have you checked to see if there is in actual fact data being returned? Other things to check could be the service account on the SQL Agent have the rights changed? Disk space?



  • It still worked when I executed manually.  However, when I schedule it thru a job I got nothing even though sql server log didn't have any error return.??????

  • Hi

    When you execute the job manually it runs using your account details...When you schedule a job it runs through the SQL Server Agent start up account..Try stopping the agent and setting it to start up with your account and see if it works.



  • Have you turned on logging in the DTS package. Open package in SQL server and clikc on Pakcage --> Properties from menu. In the logging tab you can have it fail on first error. Put the completion status to event log etc.


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