Connect to Aliased Cluster Named Instance

  • I wonder if anyone has seen this problem and know of a SERVER side fix:

    The app uses the DNSAlias\NamedInstance to point to the IP

    address of a clustered SQL virtual server that has the instance we need to use. If we specify DNSAlias\Instancename as the connect string it

    fails with the error 'specified sql server not found'. If we use the

    virtualsqlservername\instancename it works fine.

    Your help is greatly appreciated.

  • having the same issue

    It will work for the default instance, but not for the others.



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  • I'm not sure if it's a bug, or has been designed that way, but it does not work.

    We spent a good 3 weeks attempting to get it to work at my previous company with no joy. We were attempting to introduce a 3dns solution and found that it would not work as we could not get it to connect to a named instance of sql using an alias.

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