Gost process

  • Hi,


    Iā€™m dealing with some kind of ghost process inside my SQL*Serve instance.


    The process comes from a windows desktop and contains a select to a linked Oracle Server.


    All connections from this desktop to the SQL*server are stopped (we already did a reboot of the client) but the process is still there.


    A kill of this process was also unsuccessful.  The only result was that the command is changed into killed/Rollback (see result of sp_who2 54)


    54    RUNNABLE                       BELGACOM\id041                  BGC-DBS01   .   master KILLED/ROLLBACK 531     72     01/27 11:17:07 MS SQLEM    54  


    Result inputbuffer(54)


    EventType      Parameters EventInfo                                                        

    -------------- ---------- -----------------------------------------------------------------

    Language Event 0          exec master..sp_tables_ex N'AEBP' , null, null, null, '''TABLE'''


    Who can I get rid of this without restarting the SQL*Server instance, can some one please help me?

  • It should go away once the rollback is complete. Can you kill the like process on the oracle side?

  • If it stays in rollback-state to long according to your expectation, you may need to stop and start your sqlserver-instance.

    (I've had to do this frequently because some of my users used msaccess to update some tables, and for whatever reason, their connection got into rollback-state, blocking other users to do their thing)



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