C# vs VB

  • Are there any benefits of C# vs VB ? In other words, can C# do sometheing that VB cannot do ? Assuming same version of .NET for both, of course.

  • They can do the same (both compiled to the same intermediate format). There are slight ide-features differences between both.

    However most of our external programmers use C#

  • Apart from the syntax, you can achieve the same with both so there's little between them since they both use the same .Net libraries.

    vb does have a stigma associated with it because of its origins but since it became a .Net language this is no longer applicable and is usually in jest.

    I'd stick to c# since its similarities to java and c/c++ make it easier to hire for in my opinion hence its popularity

  • SQL Guy 1 (3/7/2012)

    Are there any benefits of C# vs VB ? In other words, can C# do sometheing that VB cannot do ? Assuming same version of .NET for both, of course.

    It looks like C# got iterators before VB, so it might be a little further up Microsofts list of priorities!

  • If there is no technical difference between them, why C# is much more popular on the market, than VB ?

  • Because there are more C, C++ and Java developers than there ever were VB developers. C# is very easy to pick up when you've used C, C++ and Java.

    In its infancy, VB was not viewed kindly as it was an interpreted, event driven programming language tailored solely for the windows environment. Therefore it never had the popularity of the other three.

  • C# also pays more.

  • I’m a little surprised at the comments that there were more C/C++ developers than for the earlier versions of VB. That may be true but in my experience the best C programmers always seemed much harder to find and had a much deeper understanding of (and could even visualize) what exactly was happening “under the covers” hardware wise than the VB programmers. Hence they were more in demand and better compensated. However I believe that the .NET development environment provides a level playing field and lowers the bar for C# programmers as far as developing entry level skills goes. It is much more like coming up to speed on VB nowadays.

  • I think we can safely say that the majority of modern programming languages (including C#) have a high amount of influence from C or one of its deriavatives. Therefore, C# can be seen as being easier for the majority of existing programmers to learn than VB.Net (speaking from experience here)

    I used to call my self The Master on forums, then I entered the IT industry and realised how much I still have to learn.

  • jshahan (3/15/2012)

    I’m a little surprised at the comments that there were more C/C++ developers than for the earlier versions of VB. That may be true but in my experience the best C programmers always seemed much harder to find and had a much deeper understanding of (and could even visualize) what exactly was happening “under the covers” hardware wise than the VB programmers. Hence they were more in demand and better compensated. However I believe that the .NET development environment provides a level playing field and lowers the bar for C# programmers as far as developing entry level skills goes. It is much more like coming up to speed on VB nowadays.

    The under-the-covers understanding come from the fact that C, and later C++, were developed as operating systems development languages. They were considered a step up from assembly language. When I learned C, assembly programmers were upset that it provided a layer of abstraction. 🙂

  • SQL Guy 1 (3/20/2012)

    Here is an interesting article about why VB is better that C#:


    This is one of the single most opinionated/biased article I have ever read! Having used both languages, the only argument which I saw as legit and not just whining or "my language is better than your language" was use of relational operators in switch statements (I have found optional breaks statements useful in the past). The only other argument which even slightly appeals to me is resizing arrays, but the only time I've had to do that was in PHP and that has dynamic sized arrays anyway!

    I used to call my self The Master on forums, then I entered the IT industry and realised how much I still have to learn.

  • http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/10135/Not-Another-C-Versus-VB-Article?msg=3050761#xx3050761xx

    The article is the usual C#/VB snobbery and in-fighting but the linked reply makes some good points in the case for VB.NET.

    Comparing the two is always invitation for a massive flame-war, personally I don't think there's much in it (I use C#) although "on error resume next" in VB is a God-Tier feature.

  • UnbalancedKarma (3/22/2012)


    The article is the usual C#/VB snobbery and in-fighting but the linked reply makes some good points in the case for VB.NET.

    Comparing the two is always invitation for a massive flame-war, personally I don't think there's much in it (I use C#) although "on error resume next" in VB is a God-Tier feature.

    From the article:

    "80% of C# programmers are good, while 80% of VB programmers are not good."

    I had better file that away for future reference. I can use it as a point of debate!

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