Execute As , trigger problem

  • Hi all.

    I'm trying to figure out how to solve the problem below. We have a database that is used by 200 people, now a trigger in this database needs to update a row in a different database.(row is found by using an external_document_no field)

    This needs to be accomplished without allowing all user access to the table in the other database and needs to be done by using an trigger after delete.

    CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trg_updateWorklog]

    ON [dbo].[Updates]





    declare @update_filter int

    declare cur cursor for select cast([External Document No_] as int) from deleted

    open cur

    fetch next from cur into @update_filter

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    if (@update_filter> 0)


    UPDATE dest_db.dest_table_schema.dest_table SET update_field = getdate() WHERE update_field = @update_filter


    fetch next from cur into @worklogid


    close cur

    deallocate cur


    The above code will give me an error saying that user has no rights to read or write in the dest_table. Now in sql 2005 I would simply use execute as login = ‘my login’ is there anything like that in sql 2000 ?

    Any ideas.

    Mcitp Database Developer.

  • The was solved by the following but ugly solution.

    1.) Create a table in the local database.

    2.) Make the trigger dump the external number in that database (All users have read/write in the dbo schema)

    3.) Create and stored procedure that queries the local table and update the table in the external database.

    4.) use sql agent to run the stored procedure as an user with rights in the destination database.

    ugly but works

    Mcitp Database Developer.

  • That's really the only way to make this work. The trigger will always execute as the person updating the table, and it would need rights to the other database if it directly moved the data.

  • I recommend you to check the user rights....

  • If you have an answer to this, Ananth, just tell us... 😉

    --Jeff Moden

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