MS SQL Service Uptime record

  • Hi

    is there a way(script) to find out how long did my ms sql server running?


    DB Server Up since: dd/mm/yy Uptime: 120 days 3 hrs 30 min


  • Probably below is what you are looking for.

    Script to capture uptime of SQL Server:


    DECLARE @crdate DATETIME, @hr VARCHAR(50), @min-2 VARCHAR(5), @days VARCHAR(5)

    SELECT @crdate=crdate FROM sysdatabases WHERE NAME='tempdb'

    SELECT @days=(DATEDIFF (dd, @crdate,GETDATE())-1)

    SELECT @hr=(DATEDIFF ( hh, @crdate,GETDATE())-@days*24)

    IF ((DATEDIFF ( hh, @crdate,GETDATE()))/60)=0

    SELECT @min-2=(DATEDIFF ( hh, @crdate,GETDATE()))


    SELECT @min-2=(DATEDIFF ( mi, @crdate,GETDATE()))-((DATEDIFF( mi, @crdate,GETDATE()))/60)*60

    PRINT 'SQL Server “' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),SERVERPROPERTY('SERVERNAME'))+'” Uptime: '+@days+' days, '+@hr+' hours & '+@min+' minutes'

    What its based upon? Whenever you reinstantiate your SQL server, tempdb gets reinitiated. Hence am using that as the server start date and then taking the diff for it with current date. Please let me know if it works well (or not) for you.


    Vikas Rajput

    Vikas S. Rajput

  • GREAT!!!..;p


    but on my side it give -1 days..

    i've try to runn it on my local machine and the result is:

    SQL Server “LOCAL” Uptime: -1 days, 25 hours & 1 minutes

    i think i'll just have to find out myself... thanks.. this script help a lot..;p

  • I agree ! works great and very helpfull !!! Two questions:

    would like to schedule this to run and then write to a file or email results... is there a way to do that?

    Also, Is there a way to get 'SQL' uptime? like individual database uptime?

  • Vikas Rajput (7/29/2008)SELECT @crdate=crdate FROM sysdatabases WHERE NAME='tempdb'

    I had to modify this part to look like this for it to work in MS SQL 2008:

    SELECT @crdate=create_date FROM sys.databases WHERE NAME='tempdb'

  • Jpotucek (9/11/2008)

    Also, Is there a way to get 'SQL' uptime? like individual database uptime?

    That is 'SQL' uptime. tempdb is created when, and only when, SQL Server is restarted.


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