Join flat files in DTS?

  • My source data is spread across multiple source files. Each file has a field based upon which these files can be joined in the same manner as two relational tables can be joined. How can I create a join of multiple flat files in DTS?

    I want to avoid loading the files into a staging area just for the purpose of making joins.


  • Your joins between text files are doubtful in my opinion unless they are a form of XML such as XSD (even then, it would be a stretch for DTS).  I would seriously look toward the staging table approach for strong data types, performance as well as flexibility.

    -Mike Gercevich

  • I can't see this happening in SQL. I assume you don't want a bunch of unwanted tables in SQL.

    If I had to deal with this same issue, I would load the files into Access and use that as my playground. That is assuming the files are not too huge for Access to process.

  • Thanks everybody for the reply. I will have to create staging tables for the joins I guess.


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