Bulk Inserts in Sql Server

  • Guys,

     I have scenario where I have to do bulk inserts from one table to another.

    Since it involves inserts of over 10 millions rows I was wondering if there any option in Sql

    Server similar to Direct Load in Oracle (In direct load the data is not read into the memory

    instead directly from the disk hence efficient for Bulk Inserts in Oracle).

    I was also told that using Sql Server's DTS is also viable option, but does it mean DTS by passes

    the memory. Any TSQL statements that would do Bulk Inserts that I am missing ???

    Any comments/suggestions would be helpful indeed.


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • DTS is very fast.  If you can't stand the thought of using a friendly tool then use bcp.exe with is in the tools\binn folder.

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