store data on two different sheets in excel

  • Hi

    In my table i have one field with different values and i am runnning a DTS pacakage to export this data to excel. Is it possible to store data on different sheets in a single workbook according to my field value...

    Like if i have three values in that field A,B,C

    then excel sheet1 show A sheet2 show B and Sheet3 shows C


  • Yes.  In the properties of your Transform Data task, you can specify the name of the sheet in the Destination tab.


  • Thanks John

    I tried that what don't able to figure out how to show one code data on one sheet and other code on second sheet

    This is my query i want to show data by Promo Ref

    SELECT     Company, [Product Manager], Vendor, Delsequence, PromoRef, PartNumber,Discount, DateRequired,Comments, ReceivingAddressCode,OrderClass, PurchasingOfficer FROM       

    order by PromoRef

    i need to show sheet has only one type of PromoRef

    This query i am using in transfer data task



  • Then I think you probably need to create one task for each sheet you want to export to.  I haven't tried it, but it shouldn't be too difficult to test.


  • You'll need to create and Active-X task that creates and Excel object.  Once that is done you can create a for each loop based upon your PromoRef.

    You will then be able to name each sheet in Excel with the PromoRef and execute a PromoRef specific SQL statement.

    Below is a sample that shows how to create the Excel object.  It however does its looping outside of the Active-X and it's easier to do the loop inside.


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