linked server to MPP file

  • i have created a Microsoft project plan file, mmp file, using the Microsoft project office. and i create a linked server using [sp_addlinkedserver] to this file using the prvider Microsoft.Project.11.0. and specify in the catalog the file name.

    the problem i am facing now that whne i write a select statment to get data from the tables in this linked server, it shows an error that says

    "Could not obtain a required interface from OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Project.OleDB.11.0'."

    "[OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Project.OleDB.11.0' IUnknown::QueryInterface returned 0x80004002: IGetDataSource]"

    can anybody send me what is the problem and what are the steps to solve such a probblem

  • Hi ,

    I am new to this forum> Can you please suggest me step to Link .MPP (MS Project 2003) file to SQL. server 2005.

    I tried to create linke server from SSMS. It create linkserver but faile to test connection.

    I used Server Name MSP_Test

    Provide : Microsoft.Project.OLEDB.11.0

    Product Name : Microsoft Project 2003

    Data Source : C:\Test.mpp

    Can you please let me know If I am worng in above steps.

    Thanks a ton, from last few weeks I stuck here and can't move forward with my work 🙁 🙁 please help me.


    Do you have MS Project 2003 SP3 installed?

    Thomas Rushton

  • Thank you Thomas,

    Yes I have installed MS Project 2003 SP3.

    I have other new issue:

    If we use Microsoft.Project.OLEDB.11.0 library (MDAC2.8) in application, after shipping to end use, It prompts Microsoft.Project.OLEDB.11.0 is not registered( its right because end user might be will not have msp 2003 installed). Is there anyway we can ship complete deployement pkg to endused like prerequerites?

  • gsingh0904 (6/8/2010)

    I have other new issue:

    If we use Microsoft.Project.OLEDB.11.0 library (MDAC2.8) in application, after shipping to end use, It prompts Microsoft.Project.OLEDB.11.0 is not registered( its right because end user might be will not have msp 2003 installed). Is there anyway we can ship complete deployement pkg to endused like prerequerites?

    You can, in your VB.NET solution, create an additional project. Create a deployment project, and make sure that you add in all the extra bits and bats you require - MDAC, MPP libraries etc. This is wandering off topic, so I'll just suggest (as a starting point) a quick read of - Using Visual Studio .NET to Redistribute the .NET Framework that covers a lot of the points you need to know here.

    Thomas Rushton

  • Thanks a lot Thomas for you help!!!,

    I am creating new project and read from microsoft link as you suggested.I will update you for my success.

    Mean while can we cover topic for Linked server .mpp to SQL server 2005. As you asked ,I have installed SP3 for ms project 2003 but still I am not able to test linked server connection with .mpp 🙁 please suggest if any?

  • gsingh0904 (6/9/2010)

    Mean while can we cover topic for Linked server .mpp to SQL server 2005. As you asked ,I have installed SP3 for ms project 2003 but still I am not able to test linked server connection with .mpp 🙁 please suggest if any?

    Assuming everything's set up on the server correctly, the only other thing I can think of to check is that the SQL Server service account has access to the MPP file in question.

    Thomas Rushton

  • Hi Thomas,

    How we can check if mpp has sql server acct permission or not? Do I need to add any user to that file? if so, how can we achive this?

  • gsingh0904 (6/9/2010)

    Hi Thomas,

    How we can check if mpp has sql server acct permission or not? Do I need to add any user to that file? if so, how can we achive this?

    Look at the MPP file's security properties. See if the SQL Server user account is able to read the file and the directory in which the file resides. Try using the xp_fileexist SP. There's a discussion here -

    Thomas Rushton

  • It returned 0,0,0. I looked many account are there Start with SQLServer2005MS**** , which account we have to give accesss? I tried to give full access to 'Everyone' account but still fails to test connection 🙁

  • gsingh0904 (6/9/2010)

    It returned 0,0,0. I looked many account are there Start with SQLServer2005MS**** , which account we have to give accesss? I tried to give full access to 'Everyone' account but still fails to test connection 🙁

    You need to make sure that the account under which the SQL Server service (and, for a scheduled task, the account that is used by the SQL Server Agent) has permissions. Check in the Control Panel - Services database to see which account names to allow access to the MPP file & directory path.

    Thomas Rushton

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