7 Days Planner

  • Good day!

    I'm currently doing a Reports Module in a project here in the Philippines.

    One of the reports is from an appointments table, I have to create a 7 Days planner. From the dates in the table, I have to classify each appointment to what day it falls. For example, there's an appointment for June 13, 2006, I have to show in a data grid under the column Tuesday. It would depend on what date the user will choose on when to start the 7 Days Planner.

    I've been trying several SQL select & join statements but I haven't got the perfect answer. I've tried doing several left joins but still, it isn't the right one.

    Please help me. I need to finish this within the week.


  • Can you post your Data Definition Language and maybe a query or two that you've tried? That would help folks be able to help you troubleshoot.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Hi Rowell..

    You can probably edit the world-time-zone solution posted on my blog, linked below, to address your issue.

    Hope this helps..

    Take care..

    - Ward Pond

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