Procedure to execute a dts package

  • Hi

    I wonder if anybody can help me with a procedure to execute a dts package. I know we can schedule this to run daily but I want the procedure because I want to ran a command delete some records everytime before I run the DTS package to import records. Maybe there is a different way to do this. Right now I have to manually delete records I need to delete and then run the DTS. If I can combine the two jobs into one, it would be great. Thank you

  • You could make the first step of the DTS package delete the records in question (and connect it to the existing steps in the package with an On Success), then you would have the whole process in one neat package.

    Otherwise, look into using xp_cmdshell and the DTSRun utility ('dtsrun utility' and 'dtsrunui' in SQL Server books online).

  • If you go with Chris' second option, as an example, the syntax I generally use is:

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /S server_name /N package_name /E'

    The /E means trusted connection (no username and password required) but depending on your setup you may have to provide one. If your package has a password you'll need to supply that using the /M switch.

    As Chris said though everything is available in BOL and it's fairly straightforward.

  • CREATE procedure sp_runpkg @t varchar(100)


    declare @S nvarchar(200)

    set @S = 'master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''dtsrun /S<YourServerName> /E /N' +  @t  + ''''

    exec master..sp_executesql @S


  • Why use dynamic SQL; any specific reason? Why not just this:

    CREATE procedure sp_runpkg @t varchar(100)


    declare @S nvarchar(200)

    set @S = 'dtsrun /S /E /N' + @t

    exec master..xp_cmdshell @S


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