SQL Statement and Variables

  • Hi,

    I have to solve a big problem:

    my question is:

    I would like to store a result of a query into a variable.....

    just to be clear:

    a variable: MyMax

    and a select statement that retrieve the max value in a column:


    a table (fruits):

    Fields:  number     fruits

    Row1:      10        bananas

    row2:       5          peras

    select max(number) from fruits

    the SQL response will be: 10.


    now I would like to store 5 into the variable: MyMax.

    What is the TSQL code.....?


    Thank in advance to everybody

  • well this would do it in this case.. but what are you trying to achieve exactly?

    set @MyMin = ISNULL((Select min(Number) from dbo.Fruits), 0)

  • You need to use SELECT not SET!

    You can even assign more than one value to a variable at once

    declare @a int, @b-2 int

    select @a=min(Number), @b-2=max(Number) from dbo.Fruits

    select @a, @b-2


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Nice point... but I'm still not totally sure of what he wants to do.

  • ............I forgot to add that my problem is in case of SQL Statement with parameter.....

    the name of column change, so I declare a varable named: @Column 


    SELECT @MyMin  =  'Max (' + @Column + ') from dbo.Fruits'

    If I print,the result is the string and not the result....

    print @MyMin the resul is:

    Max (Number) from dbo.Fruits


    I need it because I have to store some variables into a tables and re-used in other statment.....


    Thank......for more suggestion


  • You have to use dynamic SQL. Note: If this query is part of stored procedure and if you have exec permission on stored procedure and no select permission on table you have to give select permission for the table.

    declare @SQL nvarchar(1000)

    SET @SQL = 'SELECT GETDATE()' -- build your query here

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL


    EXEC (@SQL)


  • Unless this is for administration work I would suggest you find another way to solve your problem because the use of dynamic sql is strongly suggested againsts in a production environement.

    Your might want to read up on this : The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL

  • Dynamic SQL


    DECLARE @stmt nvarchar(4000)

    DECLARE @rowcount bigint

    DECLARE @table nvarchar(255)

    SET @table = 'authors'

    SELECT @stmt = 'SELECT @count = COUNT(*) FROM ' + @table

    EXEC sp_executesql @stmt, N' @count bigint output', @rowcount OUTPUT

    IF @rowcount > 0


             SELECT @rowcount AS Anzahl


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Nice, a triple synchronised post. It's a first for me.

    Hey Frank, since when are you approving the use a dynamic sql without questionning the design or the task at hand???

  • Remi I use dynamic sql for sorting something like this



    @sort VARCHAR(25)




    DECLARE @SQL = 'SELECT * FROM TableName ORDER BY ' + @sort

    EXEC (@SQL)



    Since my need is to sort as per the users' click on a column heading in ASP.NET application. If this is a bad design is there any other way to it. May be this should be a different thread.



  • Depends on how many columns you have to sort on... if there's only 2-3 possibilities and that the recordset is small you can always do it on the server. But if it's big you're better of sorting the whole thing on the client.

    ex :



    @sort VARCHAR(25) = 'id'




    if @sort not in ('id', 'col1', 'col2')

    --exit with error

    Select col1, col2, id from dbo.YourTable

    order by

    case when @sort = 'id' then id else null end

    , case when @sort = 'col1' then col1 else null end

    , case when @sort = 'col2' then col2 else null end

    This solution works very well. However if you have 15 possible sorts, then the server will have to sort by null, null, null..., someCol, null, null.... which is a lot of overhead for nothing.

    That's why I think you're better off sending the results without a order by and let the application do a recordset.order = "Selected col"

    But as always, test, test, test.

  • Btw I would strongly urge you to read these documents... it's an hour very well spent (especially the first one for this thread) :

    Dynamic Search Conditions in T-SQL

    The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL

    Arrays and Lists in SQL Server

  • Thanks Remi.

    I have to use SqlDataReader since it is faster. This does not have a sort method as far as I know. So I had to use back end sorting. It is always a single column sort and we have 7 to 18 columns for different pages.

    It is not simple select * from it has lot of columns sub stored procedure cols. I keep the data in temp table and sort it at last. Thanks for the link.

    I think I am stuck with what I did.


  • Maybe not, but if you think you are, then I feel I should tell you this : Make sure that the user has absolutely NO WAY of accessing the column names that he wishes to sort on. If he can't access that then he won't be able to start an injection attack on the server (on that page that is).

  • I agree may be not if I use 15 lines like this

         SELECT col1, col2, col3

         FROM   #tbl

         ORDER  BY CASE @SortCol

                      WHEN 'col2' THEN CASE @SortYpe WHEN 'DESC' THEN col1 DESC ELSE col1 END

                      WHEN 'col2' THEN CASE @SortYpe WHEN 'DESC' THEN col2 DESC ELSE col1 END

                      WHEN 'col3' THEN CASE @SortYpe WHEN 'DESC' THEN col2 DESC ELSE col1 END


    But fortunately I don't have security issues since I get all data into temptables then manipulate them for the business rules and sort the temp table using dynamic SQL.

    My approach would be lot different from now on. Thanks for the good info.


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