Capture delta or SQL DML

  • Is it possible to capture delta (i.e. changed records including deleted records) for a specific table? or to capture all the DML queries executed against a table?



  • Hi

    Depends on the tables you are working with do they contain a field with a modified date? If not and you  are working with MS SQL you could look at using triggers but this can get a bit messy.

    Other than that your other choice would be to move the data to a staging table then check what type of record it is an take the correct action.





  • A simple approach would be a trigger (and a historytable with the same structure as the maintable, and with an extra field containing the deleteddate) like this:

    CREATE TRIGGER <triggername>  ON <maintable>



    insert into <maintable_Hist> select  *, getdate() from deleted



  • Peter,

    Thats the perfect solution to a post I had here last week.  I didn't realise that the tables could be different structure (additional fields). Adding the Current_timestamp and system_user tracks Who and When.

    many thanks



  • unfortunately tirgger is not an option. I am surprised that in SQL Server there is no way for me to capture DML executed against a specific object.

  • You can also think of creating trace, filtering to an object you want to monitor changes, capturing t-sql and stored proc to the statement level.

    Save the output to a file and then use the function

    fn_trace_gettable to read the content, apply filter and then save to the destination table.

    This way you can get SQL Statement, who modified your objects and so many properties..


  • i wonder if there is a way to read the transaction log and filter needed dml out of it?

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