Rename excel sheet

  • Hi

    i want to change name of excel sheet. I have dts pacakage which convert ab.xls file into a table and after that i delete this file. New user store the same file with same name. My dts pacakage fail when they save sheet with different names. How i can rename excel  sheet...before import it to sql server.




  • Hi,

    You could do this via a script task though I think you might need excel installed on the server. Check this out.



  • i've found this example lot of time ago....and i've used with success...

    using active x:


    ' Copy File

    Option Explicit


    Function Main()


                Dim oFSO

                Dim sSourceFile

                Dim sDestinationFile


                Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


                sSourceFile = "C:\SourceFile.txt"

                sDestinationFile = "C:\DestinationFile.txt"


                oFSO.CopyFile sSourceFile, sDestinationFile


                ' Clean Up

                Set oFSO = Nothing


                Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    to delete a file (checking before for its existence...):

    Function Main()


                Dim oFSO

                Dim sSourceFile


                Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


                sSourceFile = "C:\SourceFile.txt"


                ' Check if file exists to prevent error

                If oFSO.FileExists(sSourceFile) Then

                            oFSO.DeleteFile sSourceFile

                End If


                ' Clean Up

                Set oFSO = Nothing


                Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    merging the 2 solutions you can obtain whatever you want (may be...!)




  • Thanks a lot for reply

    i am trying to do something like that but my script is not working i am working on sql 2000

    Function Main()

    Dim objExcel

    Dim objwb

    Dim odjws

    Dim sFilename

    Dim sSheetName

    sFilename = DTSGlobalVariables("gv_ExcelFileLocation").Value

    sSheetName = DTSGlobalVariables("gv_SheetToRename").Value

    Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    Set objwb = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(sFilename)

    Set objws=objExcel.Worksheets("gv_SheeetToRename")

    if objws.Name = CStr(sSheetName)  Then

    objws.Name = "PurchaseOrderRequest"


    End If

    Set objws=Nothing


    Set objwb  = Nothing


    Set Excel.Application = Nothing

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    I set values for global variables also.. I am a new user so not sure where i am wrong....& i want to rename sheet not file ..

    Can anyone correct it..


  • i don't know if it works but... i'm confident of it!

    try this, instead of oFSO.CopyFile  use oFSO.CopySheet and see if it works, so in the excel file you'll have two identical sheet, the delete one of those using:

    '  (DeleteExcelSheet)

    Option Explicit

    Function Main()

     Dim Excel_Application

     Dim Excel_WorkBook

     Dim Excel_WorkSheet

     Dim iSheetCounter

     Dim bFound

     Dim sFilename

     Dim sSheetName

     sFilename = DTSGlobalVariables("gv_ExcelFileLocation").Value

     sSheetName = DTSGlobalVariables("gv_SheetToDelete").Value


     Set Excel_Application = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

     ' Open the workbook specified

     Set Excel_WorkBook = Excel_Application.Workbooks.Open(sFilename)

     bFound = False


     ' Find out how many sheets are in the workbook as there must

     ' be at least 1 visible sheet so if we are about to delete the

     ' only valid sheet then abort

     iSheetCounter = Excel_WorkBook.WorkSheets.Count

     If iSheetCounter > 1 then

      ' Now we need to make sure that the sheet to

      ' be deleted  exists in the sheets available

      For Each Excel_WorkSheet in Excel_WorkBook.WorkSheets

       ' Find the WorkSheet specified

       If Excel_WorkSheet.Name = CStr(sSheetName) Then



        bFound = True

        Exit For

       End if



      Msgbox "There is only one sheet.  Cannot delete it."

     End if

     If bFound = True then

      Msgbox "Outcome = Sheet Deleted"


      MsgBox "Outcome = No Sheet Was deleted"

     End if

     'Clean Up our Excel Objects

     Set Excel_WorkSheet = Nothing


     Set Excel_WorkBook = Nothing


     Set Excel_Application = Nothing

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    good luck!


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