Replacing tags

  • Hi,

    I have a Template table which has the template of a letter, with each row corresponding to a line in the letter. I have tags in the letter between '<' and '>'. These tags need to be replaced with values from the Account table for each account the letter is being generated. I get each row into a variable @ParaInd from the Template table. Then I want to parse through that to replace the tags. The name of the tags is the name of the variable which contains the value it should be replaced with. For example, if the row had the text '<P2>some text <P3>', I want to replace the <P2> tag with the value in @P2 and replace <P3> with the value in @P3.

    I want to avoid the if-elseif-elseif construct since I have about 20 tags. I wanted to build the REPLACE command dynamically and run it using the EXEC command. However, when I run the below code in SQL Query Analyzer, I get the error - 'Must declare the variable @ParaInd'.

    Please help.

    DECLARE @ParaInd nCHAR(20)



    DECLARE @ParaValue CHAR(2)

    DECLARE @iPStart INT




    SELECT @ParaInd = '<P2><P3>'

    SELECT @P2 = 'HELLO'

    SELECT @P3 = 'BYE'

    SELECT @iPStart = PATINDEX( '%<%',@ParaInd)

    SELECT @iPEnd = PATINDEX( '%>%',@ParaInd)

    SELECT @ParaValue = SUBSTRING(@ParaInd, @iPStart+1, @iPEnd - @iPStart)

    SELECT @cTAGVALUEText = 'SELECT @cTAGVALUEText2 = REPLACE(@ParaInd, ''<' + @ParaValue + '>'', @' + @ParaValue + ')'





  • Vidya - I don't have time to analyze your problem but your syntax seems to be incorrect in the last line...

    try : SELECT @cTAGVALUEText = REPLACE(@ParaInd, '', '@' + @ParaValue)

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • The string you are building to execute has a variable in it.  Proc variable aren't available to the executing string so I don't think this method will work.

    Why worry about 'if-else' ?

    Just do a replace for all the combinations. Whatever works works, whatever doesn't leaves the string unchanged. 


    SELECT @cTAGVALUEText2 = REPLACE(@cTAGVALUEText2, ''<P2>'', @P2)

    SELECT @cTAGVALUEText2 = REPLACE(@cTAGVALUEText2, ''<P3>'', @P3)

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Sushila,

    That doesn't work. It gives me <A href="mailto:'@P2'">'@P2<P3>' instead of 'HELLO<P3>'.


    I might have more than one tag in a line. And I have more than 20 tags. So, having embedded replace will become cumbersome.

    I know I can do this with a while construct with a case statement inside to achieve this.

    WHILE @ParaInd like '%<%'


      SELECT @iPStart = PATINDEX( '%<%',@ParaInd)

     SELECT @iPEnd = PATINDEX( '%>%',@ParaInd)

     SELECT @ParaValue = SUBSTRING(@ParaInd, @iPStart+1, @iPEnd - @iPStart)

     SELECT @cTAGVALUEText = CASE @ParaValue

        WHEN 'P2' THEN REPLACE (@ParaInd, '<P2>',@P2)

        WHEN 'P3' THEN REPLACE(@ParaInd, '<P3>',@P3)


     SELECT @ParaInd = @cTAGVALUEText



    However, I was wondering if there was a more elegant way of doing this by not worrying about the exact string I am replacing or its value.



  • Not a direct answer to your question, but related.  I'm doing something similar using RTF templates but I'm doing my "replacing" in my ASP pages and feeding the values from XML elements, so it's a bit easier.  The point I'll make here is... make sure none of the inputs to this template will contain "<" or ">" characters or you'll be in trouble.  I ended up using vertical pipe ( | ) characters to delimit my fields in the templates.

  • If you can do the replacing in a DLL or a web app, you might want to try a product called Aspose Word. We use it for form letters in our Web apps - it allows you to create Word mail-merge documents on the fly, very fast, without needing to have Microsoft Word installed on the server. You can save the documents to the file system, stream them back to the database, stream them to the browser, or whatever. Great tool, great company:

  • I'd recommend a simple technique like this.  If your tags need different variables for each Row, you'd want to set this up as a Parent/Child relationship, like so:














    ---following should be a permanent table (or set of tables)

    if object_ID('tempdb..#TagRepl') is not null drop table #TagRepl

    create table #TagRepl


       Tag varchar(100),

       Repl varchar(100)


    Insert #TagRepl values ('<FirstName>', 'Calvin')

    Insert #TagRepl values ('<LastName>' , 'Lawson')

    Insert #TagRepl values ('<Email>' , '')


    declare @Text varchar(8000)

    select @Text = 'Dear <FirstName> <LastName>,' + char(10) + 'Is <Email> your Email Address?'

    select  @Text = replace(@Text, Tag, Repl)

    from  #TagRepl

    select @Text

    Signature is NULL

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