Form Help Access 2003 Project

  • Hi

    When using an mdb, I often used to create a query from say an Order table (on the many side of the relationship with CustomerID as the foreign key) - and a Customer table (on the one side of the relationship on the CustomerID field).  The query would hold Order fields, and Name and address fields from the Customer table.

    In the form created from this query, using a combo on the Orders.CustomerID field - showing CustomerID Names etc., I could choose a Customer, which would then immediately populate the Customer address fields etc.

    I don't seem to be able to recreate this in Access Projects.  Does anybody know if it is possible?

    Many thanks



  • Paul,

    Unfortunately I don't have an answer to you question but I do have a question for you. I'm trying to do exactly what you described. I have a Access form that contains  a NOE classifciaiton field. Users will select a NOE classification after I need the item descripotion field to match whatever NOE they select

    Can you tell me what I have to do



  • Hi William

    Create a query as described above to include all the fields from the Forms main table, plus the fields with the description you wish to see from the chosen table.  There is a relationship between the keyfield of the chosen table and the same foreign key in the main table.

    Make a combo on the main table's foreign key which has as its rowsource the necessary fields of the chosen table (including the keyfield).  Then it will just happen.  When you choose an entry in the combo, it populates the description fields according to that entry.

    I just wish I could make it work in an adp

    Good luck


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