ACESS connection with ASP error - temp regisrty key

  • Hi ,

    When opening the website on local machine it works fine. It pulls data from access database.

    But when I open the DB and refresh the page I get an error.

    Microsoft OLE DB provider for ODBC Drivers (0x800004005)

    [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] General error

    Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (Volatile) Jet DSN for

    process 0xd48 Thread 0xf08 DBC 0x1f99054 jet'.

    /, Line 13


    Can anyone help . Please



  • Could you post the

    I am very interrested to see line 13.



  • This is a common security issue with ASP and Jet. It and its solution is documented in two articles on Microsoft's support site:


    Basically, the NT account used by IIS (usually IUSR_machinename) doesn't have permission to read an ODBC registry key.

    Hope this helps.

  • I was using this on the laptop. But when copied onto my local machine (desktop) it worked fine.

    The desktop uses office 2000 and my laptop(where it doesn't work) uses office 2003.

    Could it be due to different versions of office or the laptop settings.

    Below is the conncection string


    'Create an ADO connection odject

    Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    adoCon.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; pwd=; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("Person.mdb") %>




  • Usually I get this message when I don't have write permission on the folder, in your case the root. I think that you have to move your database and change the odbc connection, try public for instance of check with your internet provider.


  • what do you mean by try public?

    I'm wondering its something to with the office 2003


  • It means that usually providers creates a folder named PUBLIC, this folder usually has write permissions.

    Do you see a folder named PUBLIC in your website?

    Or, do you host your website? If so, check write permissions.


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