Passing Variables to Create Table

  • Hi

    Im trying to export to an excel spreadsheet,and create a new sheet per client code in the same workbook that i have,is there any way of passing the client name eg;@client to the create table statement in the DTS Create Table Statement.






  • How many clients are we talking about?

  • It varies and can be random, i would create a pump for each client,but i dont want to hardcode as clients could increase or decrease.

  • This is tricky. You will have to read up on adjusting the DTS CustomTask SQLStatement properties using ActiveX. Or if the create table command will never exceed 255 characters, you can do it using the Dynamic SQL task.

    And you definitely need to know how to loop a DTS workflow using ActiveX. The other question I have is how do you get your list of clients into the DTS to start with? Is it a SQL table, a CSV file, or what exactly?

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