ADO Find

  • I get error message when I run this code. I am trying to stay on the current record after a me.requery. (ie don;t return to the first record)

    Private Sub cboInvNo_AfterUpdate()

    Dim ID As Integer


    ID = Me.OrderID

    Dim rs As Object

    Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone

    rs.Find " Me.OrderID = " &  ID

    If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark

    End Sub


  • What is the error ur getting

    My Blog:

  • With this code.

    Private Sub cboInvNo_AfterUpdate()

    Dim ID As Integer

    Dim rs As Object

    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

    Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone


    ID = Me.OrderID

    rs.Find "[OrderID] = " & ID

    If Not rs.EOF Then

    Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark

    End If

    End Sub

    I get this error as I step thru the code.

    Run Time Err 2001

    You cancelled the previous operation

    on Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark

  • I don't think you need to deal with ADO if you are just trying to return to the pertinent record. Try this syntax:

    Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()

        Dim iBook As Variant  


        iBook = Me.Bookmark


        Me.Bookmark = iBook

    End Sub

    Explanation: the bookmark variable must be of "variant" type

    Save the bookmark. Requery. Return to the bookmarked record.



  • Are you sure your RS or COMMAND is not in adAsyncExecute mode?

    You symptom sounds like your Find call is resulting in cancelling the .requery call.  See relevant snippet from MSDN below.

    Note   If Options is set to adAsyncExecute, this operation will execute asynchronously and a RecordsetChangeComplete event will be issued when it concludes.

    The ExecuteOpenEnum values of adExecuteNoRecords or adExecuteStream should not be used with Requery.

    Peter Evans (__PETER Peter_)


  • The problem with the code is that the"OrderID" which is a PK and an auto generated no.  doesn't

    update before I run the Requery. So the initial value of the OrderID is "99" BOF (the first OrderID was 100).

    Is there a way to update the OrderID before the Requery is run or some other solution?

    PS. The same exact code works on my PO recieving report because it is working with existing OrderID no.

    Here is the code;

    Private Sub cboInvNo_AfterUpdate()

    Dim ID As Integer

    Dim rs As Object

    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

    Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone

    ID = Me.OrderID


    rs.Find "[OrderID] = " & ID

    If Not rs.EOF Then

     Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark

    End If

    End Sub



  • mbarr: I feel your pain because I have also been fighting this issue for a matter of months. What I have found out through MSDN and other sources is that SQL WILL NOT return the new OrderID value to Access. After trying everything imaginable to trick it into giving me that number back, I have found a way: You have to access SQL through ADO, run a stored procedure to return the value to ADO which then gives it to Access. Here is my code which returns a new PhoneID from a SQL stored procedure (as written by an Access guru, not myself as I am a newbie also)

    Public Function InsertPhoneRecord() As Long


            Dim cmdNew As ADODB.Command

            Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection

            Dim strCnn As String


            strCnn = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=Knox-Server;" & _

                "Initial catalog=DevBData;User Id=jk;Password=something;"

            Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection

            cnn.Open strCnn


        Set cmdNew = New ADODB.Command

        With cmdNew

            Set .ActiveConnection = cnn

            .CommandText = "procPhoneInsert"

            .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

            .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@NewPhoneID", adInteger, adParamOutput)



            InsertPhoneRecord = .Parameters("@NewPhoneID").Value


        End With


    Set cnn = Nothing

    End Function

    The CommandText is the name of the stored procedure.

    You then have a line in your code that calls the function like:


    Here is the stored procedure:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.procPhoneInsert

    @NewPhoneID int OUTPUT


    INSERT INTO phone (EmpUpdated) VALUES ('9')



    The INSERT INTO line is just adding a value to the table in order to generate and new record. You could insert anything applicable to your app.

    Granted this is a lot of work, but it works. Let me know if you follow my code.



  • You can save the current record to force it to get the auto id.

    Just use the code below and see if it works the way you want.

    DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord

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