If exists question

  • I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what best area to look for using a google search so figured I would try here as well.

    I need the  syntax to simply check if a column (or index) exists on a table.

    I'm wanting to automate some import processes and don't want every alter statement firing off if any portion of the import has already been completed anyhow.

    Thanks for your help.


  • Not elegant, but works for a column...


    if exists (select sc.name from syscolumns sc(nolock) inner join sysobjects so(nolock) on sc.id = so.id where so.name = 'TABLEA' and sc.name = 'COLB')

    print 'YAY'


    print 'NAY'


    For an index

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysindexes where name = N'INDEX' and id = object_id(N'[dbo].[TABLEA]'))

    print 'Yep, there is an index'


    print 'No Index of that name'

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • without using system tables as the system tables will not be available in SQLServer 2005...

    use Northwind


    set nocount on

    declare @table_owner sysname, @table_name sysname, @column_or_index_name sysname

    declare @result varchar(25),@param nvarchar(261)

    --set the variables


     @table_owner = 'dbo'

     , @table_name = 'Categories'

     , @column_or_index_name = 'CategoryName'

     , @result = 'No index or column exists'

    --first check for the existance of a column with the name

    if exists(select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.[COLUMNS] where TABLE_SCHEMA=@table_owner and TABLE_NAME=@table_name and COLUMN_NAME=@column_or_index_name)


     set @result = 'Column exists'

    end else begin


     if object_id('tempdb..#results')is not null drop table #results


     create table #results (index_name sysname,index_description varchar(210),index_keys nvarchar(2078))

     set @param = '[' + @table_owner + '].[' + @table_name  + ']'

     insert into #results(index_name,index_description,index_keys)

     exec sp_helpindex @objname = @param

     if exists(select * from #results where index_name=@column_or_index_name)

      set @result = 'Index exists'


    select result = @result




    Mark Baekdal



    +44 (0)208 241 1762

    Build, Comparison and Synchronization from Source Control = Database change management for SQL Server




  • For an index

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysindexes where name = N'INDEX' and id = object_id(N'[dbo].[TABLEA]'))

    print 'Yep, there is an index'


    print 'No Index of that name'

    ok that's good for an index in general, but what if you wanted to test if an index exists on a table on colB, for example? how would you get the index in that case?


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Try this...



    create table #results (index_name sysname, index_description varchar(200), index_keys varchar(300))

    insert into #results exec sp_helpindex TABLE

    if exists(select * from #results where index_keys like '%COLUMN%')

    print 'Yep, theres an index'


    print 'Nope, no index'

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • The procedure below will add the ID column if it doesn't exist in the Mcrl table.  You could easily substitute parameters for the table name and column name. 

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects obj

      INNER JOIN syscolumns sys ON obj.ID=sys.ID

      WHERE obj.Name = 'Mcrl' and sys.Name='ID')

       ALTER TABLE Mcrl

       ADD ID int IDENTITY(1,1)


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