Yet another xp_cmdshell question...

  • Hi all,

    I have created a small VB application that does nothing but print out a Crystal Report.  There is no user interface.  I can call the program from the command prompt and the report goes straight to the printer, with all dialogs suppressed.  I try using exactly the same line with xp_cmdshell:

    xp_cmdshell '"D:\Program Files\Solomon\ReportPrint"'

    ...and the application starts and hangs.  I see the application in Windows Task Manager, but it never completes.  I have to manually stop the process.

    Based on some forum research, I tried to call the executable from a SQL Server Agent job.  You guessed it...same results...job continues executing until I manually stop the process.

    Any ideas on this?  Any help would be most appreciated...!

    Bill King, MCSD

  • I have learned the hard what that exe files should not be called from xp_cmdshell. 

  • So, the program does not require *any* user interaction and terminates after it has printed its' stuff? What about a DTS package with Execute Win32 task (I think it is called so) ?

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • OMG...

    Execute Process Task...

    ...and it worked like a charm!!!  Thanks so much!


    Bill King, MCSD

  • OK, new twist...

    I need to be able to call this DTS package from T-SQL, specifically a trigger (so that I can automatically print the report when a specific field on the target table is updated).  Can I call a DTS package from T-SQL?


    Bill King, MCSD

  • I have not much experience with DTS. You might find something useful here

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • If you can't find anything on try this....  Schedule the DTS package so that it creates a SQL job for you and then make sure that you disable or delete the schedule.  You should now have a job (without a schedule).

    From within the trigger, execute msdb..sp_start_job <job name>.

    It's a bit awkward and not very pretty but it should work.


  • >>From within the trigger, execute msdb..sp_start_job <job name>.<<

    Please do not do that, because jobs are not re-entrant! In other words when you try start a job from a trigger if the trigger is fired befor the job finished it won't run again. You will have to consider other avenues like:

    1. create a stored proc that uses sp_OA* procedures to launch the DTS


    2. (this is what I would do) Create a table that is polled by a job on the trigger insert the necessary information in that table and from the job read what you need and mark the records with a done flag when the job finishes.



    * Noel

  • Yikes!

    Yes, yes - Listen to Noel.

    Do NOT place a printing operation inside a trigger! Never ever! Do not ever ever place anything inside a trigger that shouldn't be there. That includes printing, mailing, calling grandma, anything 'external' at all..

    Go with Noel's 2 nd suggestion instead.. (not the 1st, that's not too safe either)


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