Query analyser fails when execution plan shown

  • Bit of a weird one.

    If I run any query FOR XML ... in QA, with Show Execution Plan, I get no results and the error message:

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Unknown token received from SQL Server

    Take execution plan off and it works fine.

    I noticed this for the first time shortly after installing of MSXML 4 SP2+SDK, but I don't know if this is related, my hunch is not.

    It's not a problem, but I wondered if anyone else had seen the same thing?

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Have not. Installed XML on both server and locally?



  • >>Installed XML on both server and locally?

    Not exactly sure what's installed on the server(s) in terms of XML, but I get exactly the same results when I connect to the local SQL Server instance, as when I connect to a remote server.

    To reproduce it, I just need to run

    SELECT 1 example FOR XML RAW

    from query analyser. Works when we don't show the execution plan, and fails (to return a resultset) when we do show the plan. However, the execution plan is actually shown and looks valid.

    The setup across all servers I've tried this on is broadly, W2K SP4, SQL2k SP3.

    I'll try it again from a different client machine and see what happens.

  • I always have the "Unknown token received from SQL Server" error when graphic execution plan is turned on and i have any FOR XML clause

    It seems that the correct results are still returned if it is a simple query (SELECT * FROM tablename) before the error is returned. Any query with a join does not return anything.

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