Data files/log files

  • We have a maintenance plan that backups the transaction log files and it has never ran. It says "Backup can not be performed on this database. This sub task is ignored".

    Also, I looked at the .mdf and .ldf files and the modified date is quite old.

    Can somebody give me some insight?

    I am quite new to SQl Server.


  • Check the DB recovery mode.

  • What database?

    The Transaction Log (TL) for the Master database CANNOT be backed up. It's 'locked' into SIMPLE Recovery mode.

    For other databases, in Enterprise Manager, right click on the database, select Properties, go to OPTIONS tab and check the Recovery Mode as Simon suggested. If it's SIMPLE, you can't backup the transaction log.

    Again, first thing we need to know is which database are you talking about.

    Some system databases aren't used much, if at all.


  • The default databases except exceptionally used may not benefit from transaction log backups.

    Tempdb cleared every time sql server is stopped and started.I do not back it up

    Pubs and Northwind -I back them up once since They are meant for you to play with.

    master msdb record job history system changes ,store configurations ...

    I back them up once a week and whenever sp_configure is run master is manually backed up(not too big)

    Model database One one time copy just in case


  • The database that I'm trying to backup is our production and transactional database. The recovery mode is set to Full.

  • The database that I'm trying to backup is our production and transactional database. The recovery mode is set to Full.

  • For the db that has a failed TLog backup,

    has the full backup run with success?

    You must have a full backup completed before

    the TLog backup can run with success.

    Also, to be explicit, you can not backup the master log file, so don't include master

    in any transaction log backup job or maintenance plan.

  • It seems to be working now..

    Thanks for all your help!

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