create DSN linked to Access database

  • Hello,

    How to create DSN linked to Access database from batch file?

  • You are going to need to do it in vb script. Friend of mine gave me this link but I did not end up trying at as the infrastructure guys found a better way.


    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • Use ADP in access. It is best way to do it.

  • If you're doing this from within Access, you can use the RegisterDatabase method, like below...

        strAttributes = "Database=yourDBname" & vbCr _

                      & "Description=yourDescription" & vbCr _

                      & "OemToAnsi=No" & vbCr _

                      & "Trusted_Connection=Yes" & vbCr _

                      & "Server=yourServerName"

        DBEngine.RegisterDatabase "yourDSNname", "SQL Server", True, strAttributes

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