SQL Server Database Space Monitoring

  • I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share how they are monitoring database space.

    For example here is what we currently do and I am looking for ideas or better ways to do it or if there is an existing tool already doing this out there. We support over 60 SQL Servers with about 600 databases. We have a modifed version of sp_spaceused that checks the total size of the database and the amout of space the database is using. For example my output looks like below. This stored procedure is run by a job everyday at 7 am on each server. If %data used reaches 80% or higher we get paged that the database needs to have space added. So essentially we never have to look at space since we get paged on it as long as the databases max size is restricted. The process I just described works for all intents and purposes but I am looking for something a little better or as I would like to say neater. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

    (The output is a little screwed up in this form but you should get the idea)

    DB NAME-----------------------------------------------------------------------

    Data used MB



    %Data used



    total alloc (MB) data alloc max data alloc log alloc max log alloc

    ---------------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------------

    150 100 101 50 51

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  • This is probably the best way. Simple and easy. I do something similar, but have DTS to migrate a bunch of this data to one server for a daily report. Each server can send a page on it's own, but the data is centralized for a report. I build the report in HTML (flat text file) and then email that to the DBAs, flagging servers that have issues.

    Steve Jones




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