Copy Views Using DTS

  • I tried to copy a view from one server to another using DTS. Instead of creating the view, it created a table. Did I did something wrong? and can view be copied using DTS? Thank you.

  • This is a very annoying thing about DTS. It's tripped me up so many times.

    I don't think you've done anything wrong, except assume - like I have - that DTS will copy view definitions as view definitions, and NOT materialise them as actual tables.

    You may need to resort to the "copy objects" option to get the view definitions.


    - Mark

    - Mark

  • Yes, it is very annoying. Personally, I usually just cut & paste the source View query into a new View on the target server. A bit old fashioned, maybe, but it's still quick and easy.

  • Thank you, guys. Copy Objects worked. I wonder why Microsoft name it 'Copy Table(s) 'and view(s)' if all you copy is tables...

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