
  • I have a database which is aprox 60 gig (data warehouse). What are the advantages of using multiple secondary files (ndf)? I can't seem to find much info on why to bust up the datafiles this way.

    Thanks for any help


  • You can use multiple filegroups with differents .ndf files and place them in another disk to win more performance for example. Or also can create a big db in one of those filegroups and backup a single big table.

  • I think, it only makes sense when you place the secondary files on different harddrives to improve performance by reducing reads/writes



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • The datafiles will be on a RAID 5 array, so I can't place them on different physical disks. Is there any issues with creating one large 60+ gig mdf file?


  • We have about 50 GB on a RAID 5. No problem so far



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • One (small) benefit of having several files is if you have to move the database to another server.

    Recently, I had to move my database (100Gb) from one server to another one. Although the other server had approx 200 Gb free the largest partition was about 80Gb. As I had 3 files I could spread them out on different drives using a Move statement in a restore. I'm not sure if you can split a single file across drive if there is not enough space.

    On another database, also about 100 Gb, I have some very large tables (25 million rows, 10 Gb each) and I put them on separate file groups. The reason being is that if I need to restore one table I can just restore that filegroup rather than the whole database (half an hour restore time vs 5 hours).

    I have had a 200 GB file previously with no problems.


  • I also have a large single file database stored on a RAID 5 array. The posters here seem to agree that creating filegroups that live on the array is not a good practice. My question relates to fragmentation. When I run diskkeeper on the partition that contains the large database, it defrags very poorly. I have 66% free space on the partition, so that is not a problem.

    I have smaller databases on other servers that defrag well on RAID 5.

    Is it possible that creating multiple filegroups will assist with this problem?

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