Using GetDate() in a User Defined Function

  • I took some code that used GetDate in a stored procedure and attempted to convert to a User Defined Function returning a table but it keeps failing to compile with a error 443 - Invalid use of GetDate in User Defined Function. Anybody got any idea why you could not use a GetDate in a UDF? This is the UDF.

    CREATE  Function aa_fn_GetOrganizationValues

                     ( @OrganizationType int  )

    Returns Table


    Return (

         Select T01.PositionIdNo            as PositionIdNo,

                   T04.OrganizationTypeIdNo    as Type,

                   T04.OrganizationCode        as OrgCode,

                   T04.OrganizationDescription as OrgDesc

          From  ORGANIZATION_Curr T01

                      Inner Join vPOSITION_CODES T02

                         On T01.PositionIdNo = T02.PositionIdNo

                      Inner Join vPOSITION_ORGS T03

                         On T01.PositionIdNo = T03.PositionIdNo

                      Inner Join vORGANIZATIONS T04

                         On T03.OrgCodeIdNo = T04.OrgCodeIdNo

           Where   (T04.OrganizationTypeIdNo = @OrganizationType) and

                      (GetDate() Between T02.PositionCodeFromEffectDate AND T02.PositionCodeToEffectDate) and

                      (GetDate() Between T03.PositionOrgFromEffectDate AND T03.PositionOrgToEffectDate) and

                      (GetDate() Between T04.OrganizationFromEffectDate AND T04.OrganizationToEffectDate)



  • Here's a quote from BOL: "Built-in nondeterministic functions are not allowed in the body of user-defined functions." Getdate() is, of course, non-deterministic, as it "may return different values when called with the same input parameters" (input parameters being effectively NULL in this case).

    I haven't tried this, but you might be able to get round it by passing getdate() to the function as an input parameter and using that.



    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Thanks. That is what I ended up doing. Now the next stupid question. Why can't I use in GetDate() in a call to the function?


    SET     LocationCode = T02.OrgCode, 

            Location     = T02.OrgDesc

    FROM    Organization_Curr T01

        LEFT OUTER JOIN aa_fn_GetOrganizationValues(106,GetDate()) T02

      ON T02.PositionIdNo = T01.PositionIdNo

    This does not compile either. Again, nothing I find in the book. I can change it to a @ value but that seems stupid that I have to do that.


  • Create a view on getdate() and use it in the function.

    create view v_current_date as select getdate() as [curdate]...


    CREATE Function aa_fn_GetOrganizationValues

    ( @OrganizationType int )

    Returns Table


    declare @x datetime

    select @x=curdate from v_current_date

    Return (..........

    (@x Between T02.PositionCodeFromEffectDate AND T02.PositionCodeToEffectDate and ........)

    I hope this helps.


  • Create a view on getdate() and use it in the function.

    Be careful with this advise!

    See on what can happen.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • You can get arround the limitations of getdate() within UDF by creating a view:

    create view dbo.vw_getdate (CurrentDateTime) as select getdate()

    select * from  dbo.vw_getdate (CurrentDateTime)


    Then you can use this view within your function, OR create another function that returns datetime by referencing the view:

    create function dbo.fn_getdate()

    returns datetime




    select*from dbo.vw_getdate




    select dbo.fn_getdate()

  • Well, sometimes it is useful to read the thread before posting

    See the two postings before yours.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

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