XML Parsing into SQL Server

  • Hello, first any suggestions are well come on this subject. I have an XML doc which contains data for multiple tables. These tables are highly normalized with relationships and constraints. My question is, what is the easiest way of accomplishing this task (DTS/Custom SP/ What?). I initial knowledge suggest that using a custom SP with the OPENXML function (since my knowledge in XML and SQL is very little) but is this the best way? I have been doing some reading and I am hearing XSD and Updategrams, can these help with this task? Any suggestion is okay, since I have no idea how to implement this. Thanks in advance

  • I am more comfortable using OPENXML in a custom SP.  But that is more because it is all I have tried.

    I have not found a nice way to use DTS for this.  I think that what you can do in DTS you can do with a Visual Basic program running the XMLBulkUpload object.

    I have not looked at XMD and Updategrams at all.

    Russel Loski, MCSD

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

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