Dynamic Proc

  • ALTER Procedure dbo.showjobs

    @dbname varchar(20),

    @beginDate datetime,

    @EndDate datetime,

    @emp varchar(4)



    set nocount on

    declare @SQLCmd varchar(5000)

    set @SQLCmd = 'use ' + @DBName + ';

    set @beginDate = (Select changedate(@beginDate))

    set @EndDate = (Select changedate(@EndDate))

    if lower(''@emp'') = ''all'' set @emp= null

    select empid,jobid,empname,jobname from emp

    where jobDate between ''@beginDate'' and ''@EndDate''

    and emp = isNull(''@emp'',emp)


    exec (@SQLCmd)


    when I run above proc I get errors like

    Must declare the variable '@beginDate'.

    Must declare the variable '@EndDate'.

    Must declare the variable '@emp.

    I tried many ways to convert into dynamic sql by quotes inside the proc but still not working

  • Your not constructing your dynamic sql correctly.

    if you want to pass parameters into dynamic sql, then you MUST use sp_executesql. the EXEC function does not except parameters.

    If you do not want to pass in parameters then exec is fine

    your trouble exists areound concatenating your string.


    @dbname varchar(20),

    @beginDate datetime,

    @EndDate datetime,

    @emp varchar(4)

    set @BeginDate = '12/5/2007'

    set @EndDate = '12/15/2007'

    set @Emp = 'abcd'

    set @dbName= 'SomeDB'


    set nocount on

    declare @SQLCmd Nvarchar(4000)

    set @SQLCmd = 'use ' + @DBName + ';

    set @beginDate = (Select changedate(@beginDate))

    set @EndDate = (Select changedate(@EndDate))

    if lower(@emp) = ''all'' set @emp= null

    select empid,jobid,empname,jobname from emp

    where jobDate between @beginDate and @EndDate

    and emp = isNull(@emp,emp)


    -- always debug using a select, or print command.

    select (@SQLCmd)

    -- because you are setting the @emp variable you have to use sp_executesql

    exec sp_executesql(@SQLCmd ,

    '@beginDate datetime,

    @EndDate datetime,

    @emp varchar(4)', @BeginDate, @EndDate, @emp)


    All about sp_executesql

  • Could you explain this for me in detail, why do you use parameters double time there. I tried this it gives syntax error

    exec sp_executesql(@SQLCmd ,

    '@beginDate datetime,

    @EndDate datetime,

    @emp varchar(4)', @BeginDate, @EndDate, @emp)

  • THank yuou very much Ray

    I cud do that but am getting another error

    Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 6

    Syntax error converting datetime from character string.

  • can you post the string that is being executed?

  • Mike Levan (12/13/2007)

    THank yuou very much Ray

    I cud do that but am getting another error

    Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 6

    Syntax error converting datetime from character string.


    SET @BeginDate = '20071205'

    SET @EndDate = '20071215'

    Kindest Regards,


  • As I made this proc dynamic by passing dbname as parameter so that i can run this proc in any db, can i also do the same for views.

    I want save all my views in one db and run them in multiple db's( all db's are same but named differently)

  • Ray M (12/13/2007)

    Your not constructing your dynamic sql correctly.

    if you want to pass parameters into dynamic sql, then you MUST use sp_executesql. the EXEC function does not except parameters.

    If you do not want to pass in parameters then exec is fine

    your trouble exists areound concatenating your string.


    @dbname varchar(20),

    @beginDate datetime,

    @EndDate datetime,

    @emp varchar(4)

    set @BeginDate = '12/5/2007'

    set @EndDate = '12/15/2007'

    set @Emp = 'abcd'

    set @dbName= 'SomeDB'


    set nocount on

    declare @SQLCmd Nvarchar(4000)

    set @SQLCmd = 'use ' + @DBName + ';

    set @beginDate = (Select changedate(@beginDate))

    set @EndDate = (Select changedate(@EndDate))

    if lower(@emp) = ''all'' set @emp= null

    select empid,jobid,empname,jobname from emp

    where jobDate between @beginDate and @EndDate

    and emp = isNull(@emp,emp)


    -- always debug using a select, or print command.

    select (@SQLCmd)

    -- because you are setting the @emp variable you have to use sp_executesql

    exec sp_executesql(@SQLCmd ,

    '@beginDate datetime,

    @EndDate datetime,

    @emp varchar(4)', @BeginDate, @EndDate, @emp)


    All about sp_executesql

    Ray M

    I have a problem with this when using nvarchar, my string is more than 4000 charachters and it gives me an error. Do i need to use only nvarchar when using sp_Executesql?

  • If I break my dynamic sql and then concatinate it, like

    @sqldcmd1 + @sqlcmd2, how am i going to use

    exec sp_executesql @SQLCmd1,N'@Col datetime',@Col

  • You better post the error that your getting (doubt that your string is longer than 4k nchars)

    DECLARE @beginDate datetime

    DECLARE @EndDate datetime

    DECLARE @emp varchar(4)

    DECLARE @dbName sysname



    SET @BeginDate = '12/5/2007'

    SET @EndDate = '12/15/2007'

    SET @Emp = 'abcd'

    SET @dbName= 'SomeDB'

    DECLARE @SQLCmd nvarchar(4000)

    SET @SQLCmd = N'USE ' + @DBName + N';

    SET @beginDate = (SELECT changedate(@beginDate))

    SET @EndDate = (SELECT changedate(@EndDate))

    IF LOWER(@emp) = ''all'' SET @emp= null

    SELECT empid,jobid,empname,jobname

    FROM emp

    WHERE jobDate BETWEEN @beginDate AND @EndDate

    AND emp = ISNULL(@emp,emp)



    SELECT LEN(@SQLCmd) SQLCmdLenght

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLCmd , N'@beginDate datetime, @EndDate datetime, @emp varchar(4)', @BeginDate, @EndDate, @emp

    --Tested and it works K no problems with length barerly 277Chars BUT I guess your QA is setted to MaxChars/Line of 256 chars

    Kindest Regards,


  • yeah my length is more than 4k and so iwant to do some type break and concatinate.

  • if you want to pass parameters into dynamic sql, then you MUST use sp_executesql.

    I guess that depends on what you're calling a "parameter"...

    Mike, going back to your original post, the best thing to do is to remove as much as possible from the Dynamic SQL... only include what absolutely must be dynamic and life get's easier.

    I haven't tested it because I don't have your tables or data, but this should probably work just fine...

    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.showjobs

    @DBName VARCHAR(20),

    @BeginDate DATETIME,

    @EndDate DATETIME,

    @Emp VARCHAR(4)




    SELECT @BeginDate = (SELECT ChangeDate(@BeginDate)),

    @EndDate = (SELECT ChangeDate(@EndDate)),

    @Emp = NULLIF(@Emp,'ALL')

    SET @SQLCmd = '

    USE ' + @DBName + '

    SELECT EmpID, JobID, EmpName, JobName

    FROM Emp

    WHERE JobDate BETWEEN ''' + @beginDate + ''' AND ''' + @EndDate + '''

    AND Emp = ISNULL(''' + @emp + ''',Emp)


    EXEC (@SQLCmd)

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Ray M

    I have a problem with this when using nvarchar, my string is more than 4000 charachters and it gives me an error. Do i need to use only nvarchar when using sp_Executesql?

    Assuming you have SQL Server 2005 have you tried nvarchar(max)?

    Timothy A Wiseman
    SQL Blog: http://timothyawiseman.wordpress.com/

  • DECLARE @beginDate varchar(30)

    DECLARE @EndDate varchar(30)

    DECLARE @emp varchar(4)

    DECLARE @dbName sysname




    SET @beginDate = '12/5/2007'

    SET @endDate = '12/15/2007'

    SET @Emp = 'abcd'

    SET @dbName= 'BO2'

    DECLARE @SQLCmd nvarchar(4000)

    SET @SQLCmd = N'USE ' + @DBName + N';




    DECLARE @beginDate datetime

    DECLARE @EndDate datetime

    SET @beginDate = (SELECT dbo.ChangeDate("'+@beginDate+'"))

    SET @endDate = (SELECT dbo.ChangeDate("'+@EndDate+'"))

    SELECT empID,jobID,empName,jobName

    FROM emp

    WHERE jobDate BETWEEN @beginDate AND @endDate

    AND (emp ="'+@emp+'" OR "all"="'+LOWER(@emp)+'")



    SELECT LEN(@SQLCmd) SQLCmdLenght


    SET @SQLCmd1=N'

    SELECT "can t pass parameters"'

    EXECUTE (@SQLCmd+@SQLCmd1)

    Kindest Regards,


  • tim ..if i had sql 2005, then it wud work for max length but am using sql 2000.

    jeff ...there is no other go, i want ot use only dynamic sql

    Vasc ... i cant use EXEC (@sqlcmd1+@sqlcmd2) bcoz am using parameter and so have to go with

    exec sp_executesql @SQLCmd1,N'@col1 datetime',@col1

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