How to check the user who created the database?

  • Hi,

    Can anyone please let me know how to know the USER ID who created a database?

    The sysdatabases table only holds the system ID where the database was created, but not the user Id who created it.

    Is there anyway to get the user ID from anyone of the system tables (or) does the created information on a database stored in any log file?




  • EM - Database - Properties - General - Owner

  • Consider one system where USER1 is the administrator. When USER1 creates the database, EM - Database - Properties - General - Owner shows domain\USER1.

    But if USER2 logs into the same system, then EM - Database - Properties - General - Owner shows sa.

    In such a scenario, how do we determine the user from EM - Database - Properties - General - Owner ?


  • The owner of a database should not be changed with the loginID.

    The owner of a database can be changed after creation. The owner may not be the database creator!

    I cannot see any way finding who created a database unless we set a trace.

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