E-Mail from SQL Server without Exchange

  • I have been looking around, and I have found many articles on SQLMail and alternatives (some free, some not) that are available, for working either with or without Exchange. However, what I haven't been able to find is some simple comparisons. Thus, my questions to the people hereabouts, who have various real-world experiences with this:

    1. Do you use Outlook / Outlook Express to power your SQL Server mail?

    1. If no, what do you use to process your SQL Server outbound mail?
  • Do you use Exchange for your mail processing? If not, what do you use?
  • Are you satisfied with your current mailing choice?
  • (For the Exchange users) Assuming you could not send SQL Server outbound mail through Exchange server, how would you send your mail?
  • (For the non-Exchange users) If Exchange was now available to you for mail processing, would you use it or stick with your current methods?
  • Thanks for the advice,


  • I've used XPSMTP in the past with 2000. I liked it. I didn't want to have to set up all the things involved with SQLMail on my servers and this worked well for what I needed.


  • When I had an Exchange-free environment, I used BLAT for sending notification mail.  Certainly not a great solution, but it worked well.






  • Second vote for XPSMTP. Currently all emails form our 20 odd SQL Servers (notifications, reports, etc...) is sent using XPSMTP. Have had no issues since setting it up over two years ago.

    One handy plus that I've recently discovered is that with Database Mail on SQL 2005 the syntax is very, very similar so there will be minimal changes to existing stored procedures.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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