switching from Simple to Full Recovery Mode

  • Are there any gotcha's involved in switching from Simple to Full Recovery Mode.  It looks like all I need to do is change the mode, make a backup of the database and then write a job to backup the log files is that correct?  thanks in advance.

  • It seems too easy to be true but this has worked for me consistently.

    Even so when you have an oracle background.


  • Yep,

    That's all there is too it. You don't need to backup the log but if you don't your log will grow and grow until it hits a limit.

  • Where do I set the frequency for Transaction Log writes.  Someone else set up this database and they only write out the logs weekly (not much good to me), but I couldn't find where they set that.  thanks

  • Hi

    Are you doing the backups through the Database Maintenance Plans.

    If yes then you need to go to the Transaction log tab and there u can set the frequesncy of the transaction log backups.

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