DTS Package Object Model

  • Does anybody know how to retrieve the list of objects to be transfered (through theAddObjectForTransfer method) within a DTSTransferObjectsTask step? The GetObjectForTransfer method requires you know the object name, owner, and type - this is the part I don't know and want to find out.




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  • Trevor,

    This might help you some.


    Good luck,


  • Thanks Darrell, but I've already been though that one. One would think that if MS included and add method, there must be another collection available.



  • ok, here it is: Its not perfect, but it works.

    This is part of my code, so let me explain.  The important stuff is highlighted.  You have to get a hold of your Task object from the particular package object that contains the TransferObjectTasks.  One bad part that I can't figure out is how many objects there are in the collection to transfer, so it loops until an index out of range exception.  Don't see any accessible collection to get a count anywhere.

    I've tried this and it works.  To filter, take a look at the DTS.DTSSQLObjectType constant list by going here: http://www.free2space.com/docs/prog/Microsoft_SQL_Server_Books_Online/6_dtsr17_12.htm

    Hope it helps, I'd be intrested to hear if this works for you.


    (DTS.Task T in package.Tasks)


    Task =

    new DTSTask();

    Task.Name = T.Name;

    Task.TaskType = T.CustomTaskID;



    string ObjectName;

    string OwnerName;

    DTS.DTSSQLObjectType _type;



    for(int i=0;i<100;i++)


    ((DTS.TransferObjectsTask2)T.CustomTask).GetObjectForTransfer(i,out ObjectName,out OwnerName,out _type);

    Console.WriteLine(ObjectName + " - " + OwnerName + " - " + _type.ToString());



    catch(System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ioex)


    Console.WriteLine("No more objects");



    Task.Description = T.Description;


    Paul K

    Kindest Regards,

    Paul Krasucki, MCAD

  • It took a lot of effort to rewrite my app from VB.Net to C# so I could use the example Paul supplied above, but it worked like a charm!


    Thanks Paul!


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