Cannot open DTS packages from a client workstation using SQL Server 7.0

  • Hello Everyone,

    I cannot get any DTS packages to open from my remote workstation. I get the message invalid class string when attempting to open the package from my workstation which only has the client tools installed.

    Anyone with any ideas please let me know.


  • The package you are attempting to open may have been created with a later version of DTS.  Try installing the client tools for SQL Server 2000 abd try again.

  • The manner that DTS packages are saved changed between service packs in SQL Server 7 as well as 2000.  If the package was saved with a later version then upgrade to SQL 7 SP3 or later or SQL 2000 client tools.  The other option is to save the package with a password.  This should open in any sp version because the method of storing packages saved with a password didn't change.

  • I think I figued out why the package was not opening. One of my packages is accessing a file that is local to server. I am performing a data transformation on an Excel file stored on the server, when I try to open it from a remote computer opening the package fails however openeing from the server everything works OK.

    All the packages that I cannot open remotely are using files local to the server. Someone out there please let me know if this is the case or if these packages should still load no problem.



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