Report on Tables/Primary keys

  • Would anyone have sql that would produce a report on all user tables listing primary keys, etc.

    Thanks for the help,

    Charles L. Nichols

    Charles L. Nichols

  • How about something like this?

    select t.[name] as tablename, isnull(p.[name],'') as ConstraintName, isnull(p.xtype,'') as ConstraintType
    from sysobjects t
    left join sysobjects p on t.[id] = p.parent_obj
    where t.xtype='U'
    order by tablename asc

    Dan B

  • Or this might be a little prettier...

    select t.[name] as tablename, isnull(p.[name],'') as ConstraintName,
    case p.xtype
    When 'PK' Then 'Primary Key'
    When 'C' Then 'Check'
    When 'UQ' Then 'Unique'
    When 'F' Then 'Foreign Key'
    When 'TR' Then 'Trigger'
    When 'D' Then 'Default'
    Else ''
    End As ConstraintType
    from sysobjects t
    left join sysobjects p on t.[id] = p.parent_obj
    where t.xtype='U'
    order by tablename asc

    Dan B

  • Thank You Dan for the help. Could you also help me in modifying the report to include all columns for each table.

    Thanks again, I really appreciate the help!

    Or this might be a little prettier...

    select t.[name] as tablename, isnull(p.[name],'') as ConstraintName,
    case p.xtype
    When 'PK' Then 'Primary Key'
    When 'C' Then 'Check'
    When 'UQ' Then 'Unique'
    When 'F' Then 'Foreign Key'
    When 'TR' Then 'Trigger'
    When 'D' Then 'Default'
    Else ''
    End As ConstraintType
    from sysobjects t
    left join sysobjects p on t.[id] = p.parent_obj
    where t.xtype='U'
    order by tablename asc

    Dan B


    Charles L. Nichols

    Charles L. Nichols

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