Clearing Login Table Entry On connection

  • As Usual We have bought a piece of software from a tin pot company.....

    The said piece of software keeps a log of the active licenses in a table, this table contains the PC number and a '1' to say that the pc is logged in.

    Whenever the PC falls over or the sql server is stopped for the backup (Bad idea I know but it was not my decision!!!!) the entry in the table is not cleared and the PC cannot gain access...

    is their any easy way to either script a proc to clear the entry on login or to check that the user is not connected and clear the entry???

    Any Ideas appreciated.. I know that they should realy fix their software


  • Unless you can trigger something to run, then it would be hard. You could setup a process (job) to run every minute and look for entries in sysprocesses and compare these to the table. If there isn't an active connection, then clear the row in teh table.

    Steve Jones

    The Best of SQL Server 2002 -

  • This won't help if the pc disconnects, but you could write a stored proc to clear the entries, and set it up as a start up proc. This would clear all entries any time SQL is started on your server.

  • Problem solved....

    I have creates a stored procedure to check the sysprocesses against the Workstation ID table and scheduled this to run every 10 mins (a bit excessive but it stops them complaining)

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usrClear_WS_Loggedin] AS

    # Venuemaster.dbo.usrClear_WS_Loggedin #
    # #
    # Stored procedure to Clear the Logged in #
    # Flag in the Venuamaster Table WSID #
    # This Procedure should be run Approx #
    # Every 5 Minutes via a scheduled task #
    # to clear out the WSID Logged_IN flag #
    # for a PC that is no longer connected #
    # Version Information #
    # #
    # 0.1 06/11/2003 Andrew Mitchell Initial Concept #
    set nocount on
    declare @PC varchar(50) -- Variable to hold the PC Name
    Declare VMaster cursor -- Create a Cursor to hold the PC Names
    -- Select All Logged in PC Names From the Venuemaster WSID Table
    select NTName from Venuemaster.dbo.WSID where WS_Loggedin = 1
    open VMaster -- Open the Cursor

    fetch next from VMaster -- Read the next value
    into @PC-- Into the Variable
    while @@Fetch_status = 0-- While there are recordsin the cursor
    -- If there os no matching process id in the SQL Server sysprocesses table
    if not exists (select * from master.dbo.sysprocesses where dbid = (select dbid from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name='Venuemaster') and hostname = @PC)
    -- Remove the Logged in flag
    Update Venuemaster.dbo.wsid set WS_Loggedin = 0 where NTName = @PC
    PRINT @PC + ' Cleared'
    -- Read the next value
    fetch next from VMaster
    into @PC

    -- CLose the Cursor
    Close VMaster
    -- Tidy Up
    deallocate VMaster

    Thanks for the help

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