Junk Data in Tables

  • We are experiencing with SQL 2000 something very strange. Junk data is being created in the tables which halts our application.

    Snapshot of one effected table is:

    Scheäuìed838873783886252003-01-29 04:43:57.973

    Sãhedulåd13278516726-05-26 09:00:00.000

    Ócheduled1172003-01-29 10:29:59.573

    Scheduled1142003-06-06 00:58:57.973

    Application error:

    BusinessLogicAPI error '80004005'

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Warning: Fatal error 644 occurred at Jan 29 2003 1:16PM

    SQL Log error:

    Could not find the index entry for RID '16ef500100' in index page (1:12930), index ID 0, database 'XYZ_DB'..

    This is being happen since few months and we are still looking for cause of this issue and fix. Anyone ! can help us out?

  • Have you ran DBCC CHECKDB to check the databasde integrity?

  • YES.. I did..Can we do something to avoid this situation.??

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