Schduled Job not running

  • Hi I have scheduled a job, but the job was running according the schedule and not running manually through start job . Please let me know where to look and what could be the problem.



  • try right clicking on the job, then selecting "View Job History". Then click the check box to "Show step details", then review the step that failed.

    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • The job is not running at all and not giving any errors. When I checked with right clicking on the job view the job history it says "no job history".



  • So what happens when you right click and select "Start Job"? Do you get an error? or What?

    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • I am not getting any errors, that's where the problem is.



  • The SQL Agent log file might have some clues. That log is can be found in the following default location c:\mssql\log\sqlagent.out, although on your install it might be somewhere else.

    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • I have checked the log file but I didn't find any thing related to jobs



  • Let's start at the beginning...

    check these out:

    Is MSSQLSERVERAGENT service started?

    Is the job ENABLED?


  • Let me know one thing every time when we change the job schedule or any job details we need to restart the sqlagent service.

    MSSQLAGNET has been started and job has been enabled.



  • Which version and service pack of SQL Server you are running? Is a job created by maintenance wizard?

  • Hi..

    try to create a new task and try to manually execute..check whether its working...if not the problem could be with you SQL agent.

    Modify your existing job which is not working to write to event log "when the job succeeds". and now try to run the task...if the task completes successfull then you should have an event in the event log. Else you have a problem with your SQL Agent..

    please let us know after this exercise.


    Jesus My Saviour

  • When you run a job manually( click on start Job), it uses permission that you have to connect to database. (i.e. Username with which you registered your SQL server in EM).

    When you let the job run on schedule, it uses job owner's permission to connect to database connects as startup account for SQL agent.

    You might not have enough permission on the server.

  • Thanks for all your help guys, It worked by restarting the SQL Agent, By the way we are running on SQL2K SP3.



  • You may also want to select PER step to write to a log. This might also give clues to why steps fail as well.

    Glad your problem is fixed

    AJ Ahrens


    Revenue Assurance Management - AT&T

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

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