Identifying SPID's

  • Is there a stored procedure or script that anyone knows about which can take a snapshot of the current activity screen in EM? I want to see exactly what processes are running when a trigger is fired for a particular delete statement.


  • Your best bet would be to use SQL Profiler to run a trace that will be active when the delete trigger fires. Books Online will explain how to use Profiler. Profiler will allow you to see really whatever you desire in terms of database activity.


    Mark Cudmore, MCP


    Mark Cudmore, MCDBA

  • Try sp_who or sp_who2. In adittion, you can use sp_lock

  • Or if you are a brave soul you can query against sysprocesses, though sp_who is what Microsoft will recommend since sp_who should return the same results, regardless if Microsoft makes changes to the sysprocesses table.

    Mark is right, though, if you want to know exactly what statements are being executed, there's no better tool than SQL Profiler.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • thanks for the response guys.

    I agree that profiler is the way to go most of the time. Unfortunately in this scenario I'm trying to capture a bulk delete statement that has happened 4 times in the last 12 months and causes large data loss. I'm actually using Log explorer (Lumigent) retrospectively on our transaction logs to try and identify where things are going wrong. I'm trying to determine if it's actually a user perpetrating this delete statement or whether it is a coding issue.

    The really weird thing is that you can't actually delete the records we are losing through the application?? We are wondering whether it is a maintenance procedure being called by the application every few months to clear these specific records.

    Anyway, the intent now is to create a trigger which makes use of sysprocesses to identify the current activity at the time of the delete statement (at least to get SOME kind of idea what's going on, the developers SWEAR it's not the app causing it!).

    Sound OK to you guys?


  • This may help a bit. Warning, do not set count limit to low!!

    -- Event/Evidence Table

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CaptureEvent] (

    [EventType] [nvarchar] (30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

    [Parameters] [int] NULL ,

    [EventInfo] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY]


    -- Any table / example uses table Test

    CREATE TRIGGER Test_Delete ON [dbo].[Test]


    -- Check for BIG delete!

    -- More than million records

    If (Select count(*) from Deleted)>1000000


    Declare @MySpid Varchar(200)

    Set @MySpid='DBCC inputbuffer('+Cast(@@Spid as varchar(12))+') With NO_INFOMSGS '

    -- Get offending command

    Insert into CaptureEvent

    Exec (@MySpid)

    -- Loginname

    Insert into CaptureEvent

    Select N'LoginName',0,Loginame

    From Master..Sysprocesses

    Where Spid=@@Spid

    -- Hostname

    Insert into CaptureEvent

    Select N'HostName',0,HostName

    From Master..Sysprocesses

    Where Spid=@@Spid

    -- When

    Insert into CaptureEvent

    Select N'When',0,Convert(nVarchar(50),GetDate(),113)

    -- How many records got deleted!

    Insert into CaptureEvent

    Select N'Records Involved',0,Count(*)

    From Deleted



    -- Insert some data and delete

    -- Change limit to >0 for the test

    Insert test values(1,'a')


    Delete from test where a=1


    Select * from CaptureEvent


  • Cheers for the script, we'd actually already got the new table and trigger created by the time you'd posted!! Works like a dream.

    I appreciate the help.


  • Instead of using sysporcesses, setup an on DELETE trigger that runs

    select system_user, host_name(), app_name()

    which will give you the actual login name of the user that fired delete, the machine they originated from, and the application name (such as SQL QA, SQL EM, SQL Agent or App name supplied by another app). This is what you are wanting to pinpoint.

    In fact you can get really swift with system_user and the other two to prevent all deletes accept in certan circumstances. I have several tables that have a trigger like this.

    CREATE TRIGGER tr_delspec_tblx



    if system_user != 'Antares686'


    RAISERROR ('You are not authorized to delete data from this table.', 11, -1)



    However if the data were ever truncated (which doesn't sound like you are having happen) no trigger will be able to help.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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